About Us
Guiding Principles & Value Tenets
At Karmen, we believe it's important to measure our performance and to track the results of our people, assets and technology. The following values and principles guide us in order to fulfill our responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers and communities in which we operate.

Safety, Health and Environment
Karmen is committed to growing its businesses in a responsible, planned manner. Our goal is ‘inclusive growth’ encompassing our team, our customers and our immediate environment.
All our plants are focused on employee and plant safety.
Investments made for environmental protection measures exceed statutory requirements.
100 % of our energy needs are met from captive owned wind energy generators.

Operational Excellence
We are dedicated to continuous improvement and providing a quality product to our customers. We rely on both internal and external(Customers) metrics to continuously monitor our performance.
Commitment to Employees
We value our entire workforce and are dedicated to fair treatment, open communications and respect for every employee within our business. We are committed to open and timely communication to all our employees, customers and suppliers on all matters.We communicate clear expectations, evaluate results, provide constructive feedback and reward performance, accordingly.